At the red roof of a miner’s house
My friend was living
To the red roof of a miner’s house
Summer has come

On the red roof of a miner’s house
If you put your hand
On the red roof of a miner’s house
Your hand will get burnt

My friend was living there
Such a thing
I’ve been forgetting
But I remembered after I saw a dream

At the red roof of a miner’s house
The coal mine has been closed
At the red roof of a miner’s house
A long time ago

My friend and his family was living there
I remembered after I saw a dream
I will never forget

No matter how much snow we got
The time of thaw in spring showed us the red roof

At the red roof of a miner’s house
My memories
At the red roof of a miner’s house
Are still smoldering

At the red roof of a miner’s house

from the 6th album「Acoustic」
(written and composed in 2006)